Monday 9 December 2013

Nearly Christmas OMG

The title says it all! 
First would like to apologise for not blogging. Secondly I am going to make it a New Years resolution to blog more. I think a daily blog would do.

I can't believe its nearly christmas already! My daughter is now 8 months old :O (she's growing up so quick and I don't like it)

This was her yesterday fallen asleep.

Anyway back to the point - there wasn't a point but ill just change the subject.

At the moment I'm waiting to move from the bad side of Essex (Dagenham) to the quieter life. But it's a long process.
I can't wait to move into my first home with my daughter. 

I've been job hunting and have been on few interviews one of which was Harrods.  Quite frankly I'm upset with there interviewing process. They could of told me face to face instead of waiting till the interview ended then sending me and email. (Really a email. How classy)

So Christmas is nearly upon us! And I am not prepared! I haven't even got a Christmas tree yet. Tomorrow I shall start my #blogmas post to start of with the season although I should of done it on the first day of advent.

(I promise this post won't be long)

See you tomorrow!

Nina x

Sunday 25 August 2013

Hydes the Park Walk

So okay I haven't blogged in like sooooo long! Too LONG! I'm sorry :'(

I'm  actually trying to blog this from the temple in Wanstead, with Noemie sitting on my lap! she's mesmorized by the keyboard and mummy typing away!

Oh yes btw last time I post I didn't even have her yet! welcome to the world Noemie, obviously
 she doesn't look that no more she's a lot bigger and more active now! this photo beneath was taken when she was a couple of hours old! now she's nearly 5 months old its unreal, time has gone so quickly I cant beleive it.

So the past summer I have been taken strolls up to London Hyde park with the LO! and its been so amazing, this week i recieve my new Blackberry Q10! & cannot wait to start using it!

Ive been so busy being a newly Mama! that I haven't found time to BLOG! but not no more! I will keep blogging now! I'm trying to get into photography is well!
Keep following and I'll be posting more! :D

Thursday 28 March 2013

Stretch and What?

So okay, still no sign of baby yet and I'm 39+4 the other day I had the stretch and sweep done which tbh isn't as bad as what people make out it too be. So far I haven't had a result yet but tomorrow if nothing happens I have to go back into tomorrow and have another stretch and sweep done.
If not on Tuesday I'm being induced and the lovely white men in coats will be dealing with her.

I should be receiving my Glossybox soon so I'll do another post with a March review :)

My next post should be telling you lovely lot I've had this little stubborn girl!!


Saturday 16 March 2013

Like a ticking time bomb

So I haven't done a post in ages!!!
But I'm 38 weeks today and I've been waiting for the little arrival of my daughter, which seems like she doesn't want to come out at all. I have tried everything to induce labour and nothing is working :(

when LO arrives I will be getting back into blogging :)

So watch this blog for reviews, mummy items ect :-)

Saturday 23 February 2013

Hospital Bag Baby!

Okay I did pack abit wee too much for Noémie's hospital bag but I don't know how long she'll be in hospital for or me in that fact!!

So here's what I packed.

A pack of Huggies babies wipes
10-15 newborn nappies
A packet of cotton wool
Little tiny pot of sudocreme

Pink MAM bottle
4x cartons of Aptamil First Milk

3x Newborn vest
3x Newborn Sleep suits
Going Home Outfit
Blanket (which hasn't fit into the bag Btw)

Noémie's hospital bag/ changing bag is From Pink linings famous range Yummy Mummy (Pink butterflies edition)

Freelance Me

Okay so I want to be a freelance writer which I am kind of doing with my blog now but I mean proper get into freelance writing as in getting paid.
My idol yes as you may as well know it Carrie Bradshaw is a writer I want to be but not about sex about life style and young mother hood!

I want to go back to college and do an access course but I might have to differ it for a year when LO is bigger :)

Thursday 14 February 2013

33 Weeks Update

Okay so I haven't really done a update photo since I was how many weeks lol?

So here it is.

How far along? 33 weeks! + 4 days

Total weight gain/measurements: I am not even bothering with scales any more lol

Maternity clothes: I've been living in sweats and comfy clothing or leggings and oversized jumpers!

Stretch marks: As you can see LOADS! I'm starting to look like a Zebra!!
I recently brought the palmers stretch mark cream! If there's any other creams let me know!

Sleep: Much better. Still hard to get comfortable with the belly being so big now but it's not too bad.

Best moment this week: buying My yummy mummy changing bag :-)

Miss anything? Being able to put socks! Oh and I officially cannot see my "lady parts" anymore, ha ha ha!

Movement: TONS!

Food cravings: Normal

Anything making you queasy or sick?
Dairy products

Gender: Girl!

Labour signs: Nope!

Symptoms: I've been getting really bad PSD pain down below :-(
Turning over in bed is just a nightmare and walking around to long just kills me :'(
Also I've had an upset stomach all of last week.

Heartburn is just an evil thing I seem to receive it more after drinking fruit juice.

Belly button in or out? It looks like it's going to pop!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: 34 week checkup :)

Stay Yummy!